NASDU Courses
The classroom courses below are run at our training centre near Melton Mowbray.​ Courses are run all year round. The courses are aimed at those wanting to work as dog handlers in the security industry.
The group sizes in courses are kept low to ensure maximum time between student and instructor. We aren't a sausage factory that likes to focus on quantity, when you complete a course with us you have the very best of what our whole training team can give you. You have support from the team long after you have completed the course but we aim to train you to ensure you are confident in your new skills.
You do NOT need to already own a dog to attended the courses, course dogs are available to use for free, with the kennelling a feeding done by us. You will likely handle multiple dogs on courses to experience different breeds and traits.
For HM Forces, Emergency Services and veterans, there is a 10% discount on the courses.
The security courses are completed under the body of National Association of Security Dog Users (NASDU) as this is widely accepted in the security industry. If you wish to complete them under the National Training Inspectorate for Professional Dog Users (NTIPDU) or the British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers (BIPDT) please get in touch.

Level 2 General Purpose Security Handler
These courses are run frequently here at Armatus Canine, with one course approximately each month.
The course consists of 60 Guided learning hours, completed over 7 consecutive days. Previous handling experience may count towards some hours.
This course teaches you what's required to become a General Purpose Security Dog Handler in the Security Industry, from animal welfare and management to deployment of a security dog.​

Level 3 Detection Handler
Drugs Detection Handler
100 Guided learning hours. Previous handling experience may count towards some hours.
This courses teaches you what's required to become a Drug Detection Dog Handler (Passive or Proactive dependant on which chosen) in the Security Industry. It covers animal welfare, management, responsibilities, control and operational use of a drug detection dog.​
Tobacco Detection Handler
100 Guided learning hours. Previous handling experience may count towards some hours.
This courses teaches you what's required to become a Tobacco Detection Dog Handler in the Security Industry. It covers animal welfare, management, responsibilities, control and operational use of a tobacco detection dog.​
Pyrotechnics Detection Handler
100 Guided learning hours. Previous handling experience may count towards some hours.
This courses teaches you what's required to become a Pyrotechnics Detection Dog Handler in the Security Industry. It covers animal welfare, management, responsibilities, control and operational use of a pyrotechnics detection dog.​

Level 4 Explosives Detection Handler
320 Guided learning hours. Previous handling experience may count towards some hours.
This recently updated course teaches you what's required to become a Explosives Detection Dog Handler in the Security Industry. It covers animal welfare, management, responsibilities, control and operational use of a explosives detection dog.​